
Prof. Madan Mohan Verma is a rare author, whose three classic works – Bhagavad-Gita…a perspective, Gandhi’s Technique of Mass Mobilization, A Dialogue with Truth have been published by world’s most renowned publisher “PARTRIDGE A Penguin Random House Company.


Bhagavad-Gita....a perspective

Bhagavad-Gita A Perspective is a humble attempt to unravel the deepest spiritual mystery in a simple style, avoiding stereotypes of the literal translations. Mahabharata and Bhagavad-Gita are not scriptures merely detailing a series of events, regardless of whether they are factual or fictional, but an attempt to establish the relevance of concepts like Karma and absolute loyalty, and to uncover the truth behind the complex relationship of Royal Order, and exposing the immoral oppressive culture of the ruling classes. In my work, I have culled the truths and presented them as concepts of philosophy, psychology, spirituality and ethics. It is both metaphysics and ethics; the science of Reality and the art of union with the Reality.

The book discusses the philosophy of Bhagavad-Gita and its impact on other religious and Spiritual Scriptures, classic of philosophy and the spiritual tradition in India. The intent of this book is to go beyond the labyrinth of illustrations of numerous episodes of Mahabharata. I desire for this book to be studied as a work of philosophy and art of union with the Ultimate Reality. I hope the modern reader is interested in a direct communication rather than getting knowledge through mythology and convoluted tales. This book is both for the reader and research scholars.



Gandhi's Technique of Mass Mobilization

Gandhi’s Technique of Mass Mobilization is an enquiry into the nature and method of Gandhi’s leadership. It reveals there is no mysticism involved in the leadership of Gandhi. It is dangerous to assign supernatural powers to Gandhi. Some of the devices of mass mobilization, which he followed were commonly used by leaders in the western world. Gandhi had a strong intuitive faculty to know what the masses felt and how they behaved.

Gandhi was politically shrewd, intellectually alert, morally the greatest, humble, pious, helpful, with a unique approach to religion and God, to ethics and ethos, having imbibed the best of the values of Indian culture, a man who reformed himself first but never displayed his superiority over others, possessing rare gifts of pen and human strategy, having deep understanding of men and situations, passionately devoted to the uplift of untouchables, endeavoring to reconcile the conflicting interests of the haves and the have-nots, ever struggling for the rights of women, defending minorities and living for the unity and freedom of all, and with this unique combination of traits and tactics, Gandhi completely won over the faith of the India people and mobilized them for a struggle, never before witnessed in human history.

Slogans of Gandhi
‘I am a socialist.’ ‘I am a communist.’ ‘I am a rebel.’ ‘Sedition has become my religion.’ ‘Do or Die.’ ‘Quit India.’ ‘Swaraj in one year.’ ‘Swaraj of my dream is the swaraj of the poor.’ ‘I would like to be born a woman.’ ‘I would like to be born an untouchable.’ ‘Western civilization is a nine-day wonder.’….



A Dialogue with Truth

...The wise call it by Many Names

Today the world is witnessing greater con­flicts among people of the same beliefs, religions, cultures, and ideologies. Many are fighting in the name of God and yet killing his people despite the fact that no religion fl­ows from the barrel of a gun, and no sacred scriptures sanction the killing of the innocent in the name of God. In the face of such confl­ict, no religion can afford to overlook the spirituality and legitimacy of these truths.

A Dialogue with Truth explores the way major world religions can have the potential to counteract the negative forces of conflic­t in the world and instead usher in an era of fellowship. Every religion advocates universal human values, and they each speak to a basic message for humankind—in fact, the origin and meaning of all prophetic revelation is the same, as these revelations have been revealed by God. Author Madan Mohan Verma shows how we can overcome confl­ict between religions by understanding each religion in its own distinctiveness and see its contribution to the unity of humankind.

The foundations of a pluralistic society—its culture and its legal and educational systems—require an acceptance of universal human values derived from spiritual scriptures and human experience. Therefore, the path forward is one where we seek positive dialogue at all levels and appreciate each other’s points of view while upholding the spirit of oneness.

A Dialogue with Truth is an epitome of knowledge, a critical study of the crucial issues, diverse and interrelated. The study reveals that rigid identities and absurd divisions of mankind are due largely to economic and political factors. The current phase of terrorism is alien to the spirit of any religious scripture - a brazen betrayal of spirituality and sacredness. The book highlights the distinctive contribution of each religious scripture. The present classic has the distinction of being the third book of Prof. Verma by PARTRIDGE - A Penguin Random House of Company. A Dialogue with Truth is the product of the author's long academic and spiritual experience - his swan song.